Thursday, September 24, 2009

3 ways to improve targeted marketing

A well-chartered email marketing program allows you to build and retain one-to-one relationship with software vendors/consultants. This requires a well -intentioned subscriber acquisition strategy. Here are three great ideas that can be used effectively to develop close-knit ties with your customers and prospects.

Create relevant touch-points

Targeted communication to potential customers through relevant touch points can build profitable revenue streams for your biz. Best way to acquire multi-media data is through in-house research and through data appending solution.

Identify new biz b2b segments

Break your prospect database on demographic and firmographic segments( No of employees, gross income, geographic location, biz size, Industry nature, etc). Breaking down the customer profile into relevant segments allows you to promote specific business proposition to customers/prospects.

Data analysis

Create high-quality data by integrating information from loyalty programs, transaction data, vendors and merge it into a single version of the truth. Such data can be used to build loyalty programs, and improve response rates.

Benefits of data analysis

  • Create customer centric message through customized messages
  • Save money and resources through personalized messaging
  • Build value-added marketing communication

    As a database marketer, the first step is to build user profiles - of buyers and prospects. Based on intelligent data you can create extensive segments and get high-returns from one-one marketing.

    Does data management sound daunting? If so, call us to mine the "gems" buried in mountain of information.

  • Contact us for tips and solution to enhance profit from direct marketing.

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