At the start of every year, I set few personal & biz goals -- call them New Year's resolutions. This year is no different about my resolve, but I've made a twist to the plan. Instead of compiling a long list of wannabe goals, I'm focusing my efforts on the most important aspect in personal and business life.
I've read in an interesting blog post about how important is to have fixated on "ONE" vital item to achieve your goal. So, here I'm going to make it a ritual in my daily life.
In my conversation with my clients, they ask what they need to focus in 2010. I didn't take much time to answer. I retorted on the need of the hour - "CUSTOMERS", & customer “DATA”.
In other words, start focusing on customer data and you'll have steady return by nurturing relationships.
Good quality data will help you to separate the wheat from the chaff - ie find the best customers.
So there's my business resolution for 2010 and my suggestion to you. I'm keen on collecting your responses, and willing to learn from your biz experiences. Shoot me your comments, and I'll be all ears.
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