Thursday, January 21, 2010

Five Steps To Quality Data

Don’t let bad data ruin your CRM project. Bad data is the main reason why CRM projects fail. All the more, bad data lead to misleading figures, wrong evaluation, wrong judgement and results in bad business decisions.

Get control of your data right from the day it enters your system. Here are five steps to improve the quality of business data

Start data review from day one

Fact # 1. It costs you ten times more to clean data and maintain data.
The high-cost of data management is the main reason for data errors in most b2b databases. Business decision makers postpone data cleansing and this delay builds bad data in your business repository. One simple way to overcome this is through in-house data management strategies that can validate data and achieve quality gains for business.

Analyse the database
Ask these questions about your data. What is in it? Is it useful to meet your business objective? How reliable is your data? Are there duplicate records?

Measure the challenge
Use data analytical too to evaluate the data components. Understand the various factors in your data. Find what percentage of data is correct, how many duplicates are there in data. Understand the accepted levels of data churn in your biz and compare with your levels.

Forecast data movement
Fix issues that surround your database. Get to work on the main errors and fix it before it goes out of hand. Data errors beyond accepted levels can bring failure to the data management mission.

Develop a sound data plan
When you know about the problem in your data, the next best step is to devise the best plan. If you do have the expertize, your can outsource this process to any professional firm to stabilize your data.

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